Work From Hope (An Online Advent Recollection)

Work From Hope (An Online Advent Recollection)

December 4, 2020

Thanks to this pandemic, it’s going to be a very different kind of Christmas…

But it is precisely why–more than ever–we need Christmas!

Those of us who are lucky enough to keep our jobs have been largely Working From Home, where we actually seem to have ended up working more! Those virtual meetings and online classes have pretty much turned many of us into zoombies.

Maybe an Advent recollection can help: A time to slow down, to gather our selves, and to prepare for the coming Christmas season.

This Online Advent Recollection is called “WORK FROM HOPE.” If we want to find the spirit and the meaning of Christmas during these strange times, we can’t just Work From Home. We need to start from a place of hope.

We hope you find that place here. And we hope you find the Lord here.

For what and for whom would you like to offer your prayers and this recollection?

Here’s the link:

Have a blessed online retreat!
