Endgame: God vs Satan

Endgame: God vs Satan

Fr. Manuel Flores, SJ
April 28, 2019

The most important battle that determined the future of the universe did not happen between avenging galactic forces in outer space. It happened on Good Friday, in Calvary, on the cross.

From the time of Adam and Eve, Satan always seemed to have the upper hand in the war for human souls and the destiny of mankind. Sin was winning and with it came suffering and death for humankind. That day on Calvary Satan did all his evil worst, and God did all His loving best.

What happened during that battle?

The Strategy of Satan

During the temptation in the desert Satan offered Jesus political power, control over all worldly kingdoms if he would only bow down to Satan. At the cross Satan showed that his was no idle boast; he was indeed the “ruler of the world” (Jn 12:31)

Satan used the religious leaders to conduct a very defective trial. Scholars find up to 10 defects that violated their own rules for trials including the prohibition of trials at night for cases involving capital punishment.

Satan used the mindless and gullible crowds. The mob readily believed the Sanhedrin’s false accusations and was manipulated to a frenzy, to scream for Jesus’ blood. When Pilate asked them to choose, they had a higher approval rating for Barabbas. (Those who boast of their high survey approval ratings should note this.)

Satan used Pontius Pilate, the weak governor who wanted to protect his career. Roman law was remarkably fair, the blueprint for much of western law today. Pilate clearly declared that he found Jesus innocent of the 3 accusations against Him:

“subverting our nation, forbidding us to pay the tribute tax to Caesar and claiming that he himself is Christ, a king” (Luke 23:2).

Pilate made three more attempts to prevent the crucifixion of Jesus: sending him to Herod, having him whipped, and as as governor even offering to free a prisoner, whom he hoped would be Jesus. But Pilate was frightened by their threat to report him to Caesar for disloyalty

“If you release this Man, you are no friend of Caesar. (Jn 19:12)”

To keep his job Pilate allowed the execution of an innocent man.

Satan used the Romans to crucify Jesus, the most excruciating way of dying. The Romans learned crucifixion from the Persians, and found it to be the best way of terrorizing the enemies of Rome.

It was also extremely shameful as the victims were usually rebels or criminals who were left totally naked, and left to rot to be eaten by the scavenging birds.

The Strategy of God

God’s limitless power is manifest in the bible especially in Genesis and Exodus. In 2 Kgs 19:35, in answer to the prayers of the holy king Hezekiah a single angel wipes out the entire Assyrian army of 185,000 men besieging Jerusalem.

A single angel sent by God would have been more enough to save his Son. But to defeat Satan once and for all God uses a radically new strategy: the way of pure love: humility, sacrifice and forgiveness.

God allows His own Son to die!

God had spared Abraham from the pain of sacrificing his son Isaac, yet, now the Father would suffer the pain of sacrificing His own Son to a brutal death. The prophet Isaiah described the suffering of the Son in great detail 700 years before Jesus was born!

God allows His Son to become Sin itself!

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us” (2 Cor 5:21) Isaiah describes how Jesus became as ugly as sin: “There was no beauty in Him to attract us” (Is 53:2) Because sin is the total opposite of God’s holiness, Jesus experienced the greatest pain of total separation from the Father: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me!” (Mt 27:46)


By killing Jesus the devil killed sin itself! Because Jesus had become sin, sin dies with Him on the cross! Rising from the dead Jesus showed that He had won over death, the consequence of sin.

But doesn’t sin seem to be very much alive around us today? Hunters say that big game animals like tigers and bears, even when mortally wounded, can be even more dangerous in the last moments before they fall. Adrenalin fueled strength can enable them to kill whoever is within reach.

This is how Satan and Sin are: still extremely dangerous, but mortally wounded!

Our two most ancient enemies, sin and death, have been decisively defeated! The universe and all creation have been liberated! We share in His Victory, Power and Joy!

rodrigo fermin on April 28, 2019 AT 08 am

OMGod!!! Congrats Fr. Man for this very awesome and inspiring illustration of a wargame where God’s strategy defeats Satan’s tactics. Could it be said that Satan succeeded in nailing Jesus to death but was ignorant of His RESURRECTION! He failed to think several moves ahead of God to keep up. He received a one-two combination and lost by TKO! We love you, Fr. Manny! May God continue to bless and keep you!

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